Has the time come to blow away the need to understand?

I once heard a wonderful man called Michael G. Brown, talking about how mental our Western society is and the play on word, consciously meant in both ways, stayed with me; to the point that I now see being too mental as a case for concern. (I did always have something with being nuts, so it’s … More Has the time come to blow away the need to understand?

News: Drop inside yourself. New Year Meditation Classes

Every journey of self discovery starts and grows in introspection. Knowing who we are is not an idea or an answer we can find, it’s a felt experience, a realisation that we meet in the bursting silence of our heart. As we go towards that encounter, stripping ourselves of all the beliefs and automatism that … More News: Drop inside yourself. New Year Meditation Classes

Which collective myth are you caught in? Diving into your own Hero’s journey through the symbolism of Fairy Tales

Before we can touch the true myth that we have come to express, before we can encompass that deep dream that is living inside of, we need to do our cleaning work. Our work is essentially a work of cleaning ourselves from beliefs that were imposed on us by our education, our social structure, the … More Which collective myth are you caught in? Diving into your own Hero’s journey through the symbolism of Fairy Tales

The dreams that live inside of us: shifting from willpower to surrender-power

Have you seen how toddlers start to take their first steps? Once they are starting to hold their little bodies on their two legs, wiggling here and tho, they hold their hands tight to a fix point. And slowly, as they gain assurance, they become so enthralled by their own learning that soon enough, they … More The dreams that live inside of us: shifting from willpower to surrender-power

The difference between fear and excitement: the story of the lone wolf, the sheep and the shepherd.

Once upon a time, there was a herd of sheep. They were living happily, not because great things were happening to them but because they just were living as sheep do and their life was flowing through with limited ups and downs. Their shepherd was living a quiet life, taking care of his herd, following … More The difference between fear and excitement: the story of the lone wolf, the sheep and the shepherd.

Conversing with your shadow: releasing the angry old woman

The most difficult part in the process of shadow work is to actually see your own shadow. Once you have identified the shadow piece, the work is to then bring it to the light of awareness and forgiveness inside yourself. This is the second part of the post about the angry old woman who lives … More Conversing with your shadow: releasing the angry old woman